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When people aspirate very small amounts of food and drink and it enters the lungs, what happens to that food/liquid?
【单词】aspirate [\’as-puh-reyt][\’?sp?r?t] v. 送气发音;用吸管将体腔中液体抽出;吸出
【单词】drink [dringk][dr??k] n. 饮料;酒
【单词】enters 原型:enter [\’en-ter][\’ent?] v. 进入
【单词】lungs 原型:lung [luhng][l??] n. 肺;呼吸器官
【单词】happens 原型:happen [\’hap-uhn][\’h?p?n] vi. 发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇

Does it go away or just build up?
【单词】build [bild][b?ld] v. 建造;开发;创建;逐渐增强

I\’m asking specifically about when you have just a little bit of food matter or liquid \”go down the wrong pipe\” and it doesn\’t make you choke or have to get it removed.
【短语】a little bit 有点儿;例句:This bread is a little bit stale. 这面包有点儿不新鲜。
【用法】have to do sth. 表示“必须”、“不得不”、“只好”、“(被迫)很勉强”去做某事,后面跟动词原形。例句:My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night. 我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。
【单词】specifically [spi-\’sif-ik-lee][sp?\’s?f?kli] adv. 特别地;明确地;具体地
【单词】liquid [\’lik-wid][\’l?kw?d] n. 液体
【单词】pipe [pahyp][pa?p] n. 管子
【单词】choke [chohk][t???k] vi. 窒息;阻塞;说不出话 vt. 使窒息;阻塞;抑制;使说不出话
【单词】removed 原型:remove [ri-\’moov][r?\’mu?v] v. 消除;脱掉;免除

Does something happen to it after it enters the lungs?

Liquids are easily absorbed into your bloodstream through your lungs(as long as it\’s small amounts) and either eliminated through your kidneys or used by the body.
【单词】absorbed 原型:absorb [ab-\’sawrb, -\’zawrb][?b\’s??b] vt. 吸收;吸引 … 的注意;吞并;承受
【单词】bloodstream [\’bluhd-streem][\’bl?dstri?m] n. 血流
【单词】eliminated 原型:eliminate [ih-\’lim-uh-neyt][?\’l?m?ne?t] v. 除去;剔除;忽略;淘汰
【单词】kidneys 原型:kidney [\’kid-nee][\’k?dni] n. 肾


Solids are harder and you will, generally, cough them \”up\” to at least the point where your esophagus and wind pipe separate so that your body can move it into your stomach.
【短语】at least 至少;例句:At least, I asked him not to. 至少,我告诉过他不要这样做。
【单词】Solids 原型:solid [\’sol-id][\’s?l?d] n. 固体
【单词】cough [kawf, kof][k?f] v. 咳嗽;咳
【单词】esophagus [ih-\’sof-uh-guhs, ee-\’sof-][i\’s?f?ɡ?s] n. 食道
【单词】wind [wind][w?nd] n. 风;(随食物或饮料)吞下的气;呼吸;气息
【单词】separate [\’sep-uh-reyt][\’sep?r?t] v. 分开;隔开;脱离
【单词】stomach [\’stuhm-uhk][\’st?m?k] n. 胃;腹部

If they are small enough particles they can also be absorbed into your blood stream over time.
【短语】over time 随着时间的过去,久而久之,超时;例句:Over time, the service learns what you like to read and will personalize its news suggestions for you. 随着时间的推移,这项服务会了解到你喜欢阅读哪类内容,并为你提供个性化的新闻建议。
【单词】particles 原型:particle [\’pahr-ti-kuhl][\’pɑ?t?kl] n. 颗粒;微粒;极小量

If they are somewhere in between small enough to be absorbed and large enough to be coughed up then it will be surrounded by a layer of mucus and your body will(very, very slowly) break up the food and carry it away like any other waste.
【单词】somewhere [\’suhm-hwair, -wair][\’s?mwe?] adv. 在某处;到某种程度;大约
【单词】coughed 原型:cough [kawf, kof][k?f] v. 咳嗽;咳
【单词】surrounded 原型:surround [suh-\’round][s?\’ra?nd] vt. 包围;环绕
【单词】layer [\’ley-er][\’le??] n. 层
【单词】mucus [\’myoo-kuhs][\’mju?k?s] n. 黏液
【单词】carry [\’kar-ee][\’k?ri] v. 携带;运送;搬运
【单词】waste [weyst][we?st] n. 废物,无用的东西

Add in: If your body cannot eliminate it and it stays in your lungs, it will cause an infection and lead to possible pneumonia.

【短语】add in 加入; 把…包括在内
【单词】eliminate [ih-\’lim-uh-neyt][?\’l?m?ne?t] v. 除去;剔除;忽略;淘汰
【单词】infection [in-\’fek-shuhn][?n\’fek?n] n. 传染;传染病;影响
【单词】pneumonia [nyoo-\’mohn-yuh][nju?\’m??ni?] n. 肺炎

This is why aspiration pneumonia is so dangerous.
【单词】aspiration [as-puh-\’rey-shuhn][??sp?\’re??n] n. 吸引术;抽吸;吸气
【单词】dangerous [\’deyn-jer-uhs][\’de?nd??r?s] adj. 危险的;不安全的

My mom aspirated a tooth filling in her sleep.
【单词】tooth [tooth][tu?θ] n. 牙齿;齿状物
【单词】filling 原型:fill [fil][f?l] vt. 装满;填充

She thought it had just gotten lost.
【单词】lost 原型:lose [looz][lu?z] vt. 丢失;迷失

A decade later, it led to pneumonia.
【单词】decade [\’dek-eyd][\’deke?d] n. 十年



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